Wednesday, October 17, 2018



  • This is a french term meaning "in the scene"
  • It is everything in a scene apart from camera, sound and editing
  • The elements of mies-en-scene are the following:

  1. Settings and crops
  2. Facial expressions and body language
  3. Costume, hair and makeup
  4. Lighting and colour
  5. Positioning of characters and objects in the frame

Colour - Denotation and Connotation

  • Example - the colour red
  • Denotation - a particular wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum
  • Connotations - anger, danger, romance, blood etc
  • Yellow - summer, sunshine, happy, cartoon, bee, pollen
  • Green - nature, wickedness, earth
  • Blue - ocean, calmness, sadness

The colour black would connote darkness, death, shadows etc.
The colour white would connote blankness, heaven, peace etc. 

Foreground- the part of a view that is nearest to the observer and an object in the front of the camera to make something the most important/prominent feature.

Background- a character/object that appears further from the viewer and from the camera.

Middleground- the middle distance between the camera and the background.

Deep focus- a shot where everything in the scene is in focus

Focus pull- the camera operator swaps from focusing on the foreground, with the background being blurry to focusing on the background, with the foreground being blurry or vice-versa. This is to draw the viewers attention to focus on something. 


  1. Some good work here, well done.

    In a comment below, please define the term connotation.

    Miss C

    1. Connotation - The associations of words

      Google definition - an idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning.


Reflect And Perfect - Assessment

Reflectin n Perfectin Question 1)  Full marks :)))) Question 2)  8 out of 10 :)))) How to improve: - Make sure I use consistent ...