Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Shot types

There are many different angles to take a photo to convey a different viewing and gives off different vibes. When a picture is taken, the denotation of it makes the connotation, and when the denotation is changed, the connotation is too. 

Under angle shot

An under angle is when the camera is placed directly under the object. The effect of this is to show scale. It makes the object looks much bigger because of the position of the camera.

Canted/ oblique shot

 A canted angle is when the camera is slightly tilted to make the photograph look like this. This gives off either fun/ silly vibes or can be quite off putting and discomforting. 

Establishing shot 

An establishing shot shows the entire background. It conveys the time, weather, place and atmosphere. Most establishing shots were used during the classical era of film making than now. 

Long shot

A long shot is used to show scale and size. It's used to show everything that is going on in the shot. It is good to use this when showing a place/ scene and can be used to foreshadow.

Medium shot

A medium shot is from the waist down and is mainly used when someone is speaking. Body language and facial expression is shown. The main focus is on the foreground.

Close up shot

A close up shot is very important when showing facial expression and emotion. Depending on the picture, the shown emotion will vary. For example one can look happy, sad, angry, scared etc. It adds emphasis to a scene and can be looked at to present a persons profile.

  Extreme close up shot

An extreme close up has a resemblance to a close up, however this one heightens emotion more using the eyes and is more dramatic. Nearly no background is shown and a lot of emotion is given off from this image. It makes the receiver of this picture feel quite uneasy and on edge. It connotes invasiveness and exposive.

Over the shoulder shot
The most important person in an over the shoulder shot is the persons face you are able to see, their reaction and emotion shown is the entire point of this shot. 

High shot

A high shot is very similar to a birds eye view but this one is not directly above. It is used to show vulnerbility and lack of authority. 

Two shot 

The main purpose fo a two shot is to show the space between two people and what kind of relationship they have.  You can also see their facial expressions and part of they body language.

Over angle

An over angle is a lot like a birds eye view and a high angle, It sends a message to the receiver with a lot of emotion being shown.

Straight angle
A straight angle is similar to a close up. Except this is straight on, giving quite a formal vibe and realistic, like you are being looked at in the eyes. The facial expression gives connotations.


  1. Jessie

    Your work is very well presented and shows good understanding of camera language. You begin to use terminology (connotes) and offer some detail in some examples.

    To improve, include the word denotation and connotation when discussing camera language in future and fully analyse your example shot - denote their content and connote their meaning. In a comment underneath, please rewrite a shot and an angle's definition using these terms and with analysis of how camera is used.

    A pleasing piece of work.
    Mr P

  2. Two shot - A two shot denotes who the characters are and a bit of their personality based on their facial expressions and clothes. Connotations are made by looking at the space in-between 2 people to determine the kind of relationship they have towards each other.


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