Thursday, December 13, 2018

Social, Historical and Cultural Context


Social context - how media products reflect the society in which they are produced and that of their target audience. For example, in Cuffs a man is mugged and stabbed because he is Muslim like a reflection in society because people assume all Muslims are terrorists.

Cultural context - how media products reflect the arts and culture, including popular culture, of their time. For example, Michael Jackson - dead - has his music playing in the background of a scene. Cultural context also looks at the society the characters live in and at how their culture can affect their behaviour and their opportunities. 

Historical context - how media products reflect events from the past and social changes For example, Grenfell tower, after the tragic event the state of flat homes were frequently spoken about on TV.

Contexts will overlap one another. For example - the ways in which language is used in media products to reflect the period in which it was written, relates to all three contexts.

Below is a short timeline of few events throughout my life. I have listed whether it is social, historical or cultural. 

What is a social, historical, cultural context and how might it influence a media text?

Media contexts influence many certain points of a media text such as the characters, the costumes, the setting, the time etc. A social context is how a media text is reflected in society. A historical context is a prehistoric event that happened and a cultural context looks at how their culture can affect their behaviour and actions.

For example, the way that gay people are represented in media texts are influenced by modern society. This includes the typical stereotype of gay people being very feminine, rude and weak. Social context would affect this by what is in the news or historically how it used to be illegal to be gay. A certain media text may look at the historical context in the way that all sexuality is accepted now and there is even a #MeToo movement which is open to all sorts of LGBTQ+ people which also means many more people feel more inclined to make their sexuality public. 

In addition to this, in terms of a historical context, gay people are seen as more than what their stereotype connotes them to be. People see them in a more sympathetic way and this influences media texts to represent them differently to how they previously used to be. 

For example, in "Cuffs" one of the main character is a gay police officer and he is successful and fights for the law. This is a countertype and this would have never happened some years ago. The media text has been influenced by the contexts.


  1. Well done Jessie! This is a lovely piece of work, with a nicely embedded Sutori.

    What is a social, historical, cultural context and how might it influence a media text?
    You have answered this question well. You have made reference to 'Cuffs' very well and explored different contexts.

    Miss C

  2. Thanks. I understand this topic well but i think there is no harm in a bit of practicing for higher marks.


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