Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Ownership questions on 'Cuffs'

Ownership, regulation and funding    

What is public service broadcasting?

Programmes that are made for the public. There is no advertisements.

What are some examples of public service broadcasting on the BBC? 

Eastenders and David Attenborough, you can learn from both examples. Eastenders can teach you how to get through something you may be going through. David Attenborough may teach you things you were not aware of before.

What is the BBC's remit?

The values of a media company which they are responsible for upholding, such as enriching peoples lives with programmes and services that inform, educate and entertain.

What do those 3 words mean?

Inform - teach you facts of the world but only knowledge
Educate - teaches you certain skills or knowledge
Entertain - gives joy to the audience

How can you see the BBC’s remit of Inform, Educate and Entertain  in Cuffs

Inform - you see the crime that happens in your every day world
Educate - you can learn moral lessons (e.g. gay people are normal)
Entertain - the use of tension and drama is enjoyable

What arguments are there for and against PSB continuing?

It is outdated, nowadays young people watch TV on - for example - Netflix and not enough people watch PSB but are still obliged to pay for it. Also, it is seen as irrelevant and is restricting competition which could bring increased choice and quality. 

However, come argue that a programme should be judged by quality rather than ratings and it continues the idea of a shared experience. 


  1. You have written well here, showing good understanding and in your own words. However, I believe there were more questions that this - please answer the remaining ones!

    Mr P

  2. I don't know what other questions you are talking about... these are the only ones that I saw


Reflect And Perfect - Assessment

Reflectin n Perfectin Question 1)  Full marks :)))) Question 2)  8 out of 10 :)))) How to improve: - Make sure I use consistent ...