Thursday, November 29, 2018

Black Panther camera angle analysis

Black Panther

This is the trailer for Black Panther. Write 5 camera shots below:

Establishing shot - The beginning 8 seconds of the trailer is an establishment shot because you can see the full picture of the location and the scenery. 

Over the shoulder shot - At 39 seconds, there is an off the shoulder shot where you can see the emotion of the persons face you can see. You look at what she is wearing - an unusual hat and clothes that no normal person you see everyday would wear. Her emotions seem quite distressed, angry or upset. Someone takes denotations from the clip.

Straight angle shot - At 1 minute 22 seconds, there is a clip of a man walking towards the camera with destruction and flames behind him. This creates a really powerful denotation and image. The mans face seems quite serious and stern but he does not seem to be screaming or scared of the fire behind.

High/Canted oblique shot - At 1 minute 28 seconds, a man is holding a gun pointing downwards showing that he is the one with the power and whoever he is aiming at is the vulnerable person. His facial expression is very angry and he looks authoritative. The camera is slightly tilted.

Two shot - At 1 minute 47 seconds, 2 people are fighting while wearing an arbor suit and with swords. You can see the scenery in the background as being very dark but slightly lit. 

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