Friday, November 30, 2018

TV Crime Drama - Conventions & Sub Genres

TV Crime Drama

Enigma code - mystery such as murder (who dunnit) 

Red  herrings - false information (false lead, for example you are made to believe the killer is one person but it is actually someone else.

Inexperienced sidekick - For example a new police officer or someone who does not have much experience

Cliffhanger - High tension at the end of an episode which leaves people on edge or uneasy. For example a main character could be shot and you do not find out what happens until next episode

A chase - For example the police is chasing the criminal who is getting away

Teamwork - Working together to solve crime and the audience feel satisfied when the team succeeds

Personality defect - If the protagonist has a personality defect such as an alcoholic, the audience feel sympathy and it makes it more entertaining, also the writers can play around with the fact that there is a blockage or history there and use it to their advantage

Sub genre: Within the overall genre of television crime drama there will be groups of shows that share similar conventions, for example a detective-led drama is a sub genre.

Gangster - A TV crime drama that focuses on the lives and crimes of gangs (example = The Wire, The Sopranos)

Police soap series - A TV crime drama which goes on and on and the crime does not stop (example = The Bill)

Cold case - A TV crime drama where old cases which were closed due to lack of leads are re-opened (example = Waking the dead)

Court room - A TV crime drama which is mainly based on the lawyers and in court a lot (example = Judge John Deed)

Detective dramas - Detectives engaged in investigating a big crime (example = Broadchurch, Criminal minds) 

Serial killers - A TV crime drama which is based on the serial killers and their lives (example = Dexter, Bates motel)

Prison - A TV crime drama which is mainly set in a prison (example = Prison break, Orange is the new black)

Investigative detective and sidekick - Where the TV series focuses on the eccentric police officer and a boring sidekick (example = Midsomer murders)

Criminal - Focuses on a group of criminals (example = Hustle)


In 'Cuffs', the teamwork is all of the police officers and the chase is when the said team chase the criminals. The inexperienced sidekick is PC Jake, the new one. There is a red herring when the audience believe that the criminals are about to be caught but there is miscommunication and they get away.


Reflect And Perfect - Assessment

Reflectin n Perfectin Question 1)  Full marks :)))) Question 2)  8 out of 10 :)))) How to improve: - Make sure I use consistent ...