Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Propp theory homework

Crime tv show - Scorpion

Below is Propp's theory:

Hero - Who goes on a quest and usually ends up with the princess

Villain - Who is against the hero

Dispatcher - Who sets the hero off on their quest

Donor - Helps the hero and sometimes has a magical power/object to help

Princess - Is usually the prize for the hero. The hero deserves her throughout the story and must overcome a task/defeat the villain to get her

Her father - Rewards the hero. Usually identifies the false hero

The helper - Someone who helps the hero on their mission


You can apply Propp's theory to crime TV shows.

Hero - Officers of the law

Villain - Criminals

Dispatcher - Superintendant

Donor - Officers of the law

Princess - Victims

Father of the princess - Father/Parent

The false hero - Sometimes the suspect

The helper - Police officers/Forensics


The officers of the law: the hero, heroine, anti-hero cop, grumpy, buddy, quirky, rookie, bad tempered, experts, intelligent

The victims: new victims in every episode, audience tend to sympathise, flashbacks are sometimes used

The suspects: suspected of committing the crime, can be innocent/wrongly arrested, treated badly

The criminals: they represent the opposition to the law, weak, misguided, stupid, clever, smart, quick

Below is a trailer for a crime/investigation TV programme called 'Scorpion'.

Hero - Walter O'Brien

Villain - The criminal in an episode

Dispatcher - Cabe Gallo 

Donor - Happy, Toby, Sylvester, Paige

Princess - The victims in an episode 

Father - Family of the victim

False hero - Often who is thought to be aiding the hero but isn't

Helper - Happy, Toby, Sylvester, Paige

The TV producers show the different character types by giving each one different traits to support Propp's theory. This is such as, making new victims every episode. Also having a main character often put in danger to help greater good, much like a hero

1 comment:

  1. Good work here, well done!

    To improve, use your example 'Scorpion' and explain HOW they illustrate the different character types.
    When referring to a direct text, either put the text in italics OR put quotation marks ' ' around the title.

    Try and use some web 2.0 tools to make your blog posts more interactive. This will also help with your revision process. Prezi/Canva/Padlet are some to try out!

    Miss Crader


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