Thursday, November 1, 2018



Diegetic refers to the world of the text
Examples: dialogue, sound effects, music with a source within the text e.g a radio

Non-diegetic refers to everything outside the world of the text
Examples: voiceover, soundtrack, captions, tiles, subtitles

Sound: On/Off-screen

On-screen sound - the audience can see the source of the sound
Off-screen sound - the audience can't see the source of the sound

Diegetic sound in the video above: the dialogue of many characters
Non-diegetic sound in the video above: soundtrack music

Diegetic sound in the video above: the dialogue of the singer
Non-diegetic sound in the video above: music with a source

Sound: Parallel/Contrapuntal 

Parallel sound matches the action.
(example, children playing = happy music)

Contrapuntal sound does not match the action.
(example, horror film = funny music)

Sound: Sound Bridge

A sound bridge helps to create a smooth transition between one scene to another.

The sound bridges two scenes.

The clip from jaws below shows parallel sound because the music matches the action.

The video below demonstrates contrapuntal sound because the music does not match the vents of what is happening. 

1 comment:

  1. For revision, please can you provide a clip that shows parallel and contrapuntal sound. You can use the clip that we explored in class - the opening of 'Jaws'.

    Miss Crader


Reflect And Perfect - Assessment

Reflectin n Perfectin Question 1)  Full marks :)))) Question 2)  8 out of 10 :)))) How to improve: - Make sure I use consistent ...