Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Key concepts

1) Language
2) Audience
3) Representation
4) Institution 

It is also useful to be aware of Genre (type) and Narrative.


  • Media is a business
  • All media produce is to make money
  • Media productions are done by organisations to make money
  • Disney produce toys because it's easy to sell to children

Examples of institution

  • Snapchat
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Disney
  • Facebook
  • Netflix

Media Language

  • How words images and sound is used in media products to create meaning.
  • Denotation - what we see
  • Connotation - what it means

If  you change the denotation of something, you are automatically changing the connotation.


How people, places and events are presented in the media.

All representations are bias, whether it's positive, negative or neutral.

Example; Ariana Grande is represented as being a successful, worldwide pop star, however recently social media is blaming her for Mac Millers suicide. Her representation is being debated on and some people feel sorry for her and some perceive her negatively.


  • The people who consume the product
  • Who the media product is created for 

Example; Nickelodeon is aimed for children 
                Beyonce's music is aimed for teens upwards


  1. Jessie

    Your notes are clear and well laid out. Your definitions offer enough detail.

    To improve include more detail in your examples, for media language and improve you definition of representation to include the phrase 're-presented'.

    Please edit your post with these changes by Monday 15th Oct.

    Mr P


Reflect And Perfect - Assessment

Reflectin n Perfectin Question 1)  Full marks :)))) Question 2)  8 out of 10 :)))) How to improve: - Make sure I use consistent ...