Thursday, October 11, 2018

Media Language Editing

Language Editing

Speed of editing: 

  • During a film, each scene may last a matter of seconds or even continue for minutes.
  • The length of each sequence establishes the pace of the film moving the action along.
  • The speed of editing will determine the mood of what is taking place on the screen. (fast=action, slow=romance)

Speed of editing - creating pace

If film makers want the audience to feel anxiety and suspense, the editing will be quick - the scenes/ shots changing frequently.

In the clip below, is a clip from a romance film called The Notebook. Each scene tends to be quite long before each cut.

If a relaxed mood is desired, the scenes last longer and change less frequently. For example in a romantic comedy.

Nevertheless a film doesn't have to have any editing. Russian Ark was filmed in one take using a steadicam and digital camera. This required split-second timing and organisation.

  • Scenes at the beginning of a film - as it begins to tell its story - must be long enough for us to be able to understand where we are and what is going on. It is also slow to introduce the main character(s).
  • As the film progresses, scenes may become shorter as the editing cuts between telling two or more storylines at the same time.

A trailer for the film needs to pack in detail, therefore the editing will be very fast.


  • To cross-cut is to edit together two sequences that the audience need to know are connected in some way.
  • Something is happening at the same time in different locations.
  • A character reliving a memory.
  • Cross-cutting can be used to very effectively develop a sense of drama. It can be used to create tension, increase anxiety, direct emotion, make subtle links between characters.

Style of editing

  • How shots are linked together
  • The movement from one shot to the next is called a transition

Basic transitions include:

Straight cut

Straight Cut

  • Most common and invisible form of transition.
  • One shot moves instantaneously to the next without attracting the audiences attention.
  • Straight cuts help retain reality. They do not break the viewers suspension of disbelief.


  • A gradual darkening or lightening of an image until the screen becomes completely black or white.
  • It is used to indicate the beginning or end of a particular section of time within the narrative.
  • Can show the passing of time.


  • Dissolving one shot off the screen while another shot is fading in.
  • The audience will be able to see both shots on the screen at the mid-point of the dissolve.
  • It is used if the film maker wants to show a connection between two characters, places or objects.


  • One image is pushed off the screen by another.
  • Images can be pushed left or right.
  • It is used to signal a movement between different locations that are experiencing the same time.

Drake and Josh - a nickelodeon show uses wipes in the beginning of each episode. It also uses cross cutting in the way that 2 people are in 2 different places and on the same screen.

Continuity editing

  • Eye line match - we see a character looking at something off screen and then we cut to a shot of what they are looking at
  • Match on action - we see a character start an action in one shot and then see them continue it in the next.

180 degree rule

  • The 180 degree rule is a basic guideline that states that two characters (or other elements) in the same scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other.
  • If the camera passes over the imaginary axis connecting the two subjects, it is called crossing the line.

Shot/reverse shot

  • It is used to show conversations/arguments.


  1. Jessie

    Some solid definitions, although your final point on shot-reverse-shot lacks the required detail.

    To improve, firstly make sure each definition clearly identifies the meaning of the term, plus find some examples of each technique and explain how the examples use the technique to create a connotation.

    Please complete this by the first day back - Monday 29.10.18.

    Mr P

  2. I can improve my definitions of each shot by adding in an example of a scene when this technique was used. I can also expand on how the techniques create a connnotation.

  3. Hi Jessie,

    You haven't completed the task set above by M Phillipson.

    Please find some examples of each technique (screen shots/embed video clips) and explain how the examples use the technique to create a connotation.

    Please complete this for Monday 19th Nov.

    Miss Crader


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