Monday, January 28, 2019

The Avengers audience questions


Who is the target audience for 'The Avengers'?
The target audience is at adults considering it is during the watershed period.

How does 'The Avengers' appeal to them? (specific examples of content)
It appealed to adults because it was a time of day where their children would be going to sleep and the more mature content and more suitable for adults come on.

How were audiences able to access 'The Avengers'?
If they had a TV and watched ITV as that is the company that ran it - they could only watch it then and there because catch up and demand did not exist (eww).

How did the social, cultural and historical contexts of the time affect audiences? (think about the generation gap)
It affected the audience by the homophobic society not allowing homosexuals to partake in the show - so there were no gay characters. Thus being a social context of the time. An example of the cultural context is the music - which reflects the time of society as it is very old and differs from modern day music. It has historical context because it swaps the gender roles as - for example - Emma Peel is represented as intelligent and there is an image of her holding a gun which was unusual for society at the time.

How did the narratives and lack of recording technology maintain a loyal audience?
Because it had cliff hangers and they couldn't record it because technology was less advanced back then, also there was not much crime drama on back then and they got to know the characters very well. 

Write two paragraphs applying the Uses and Gratifications theory to 'The Avengers'.

What is an passive audience?

How could an passive audience interpret 'The Avengers'? (Think about the themes in S4, Ep 1)

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