Friday, January 11, 2019

Scheduling and Viewing

Scheduling and viewing


What is TV scheduling?
TV scheduling is when a show is broadcasted, this is important because timing needs to be considered as (for example) it might be on the same time as a very popular show

Why is scheduling crucial to the success of all broadcasters and shows?
This is because if a show is on at a time where their targeted audience is watching the TV, or if there are no other particularly popular shows on then they will pull in more viewers

When was 'Cuffs' scheduled?
'Cuffs' was scheduled the same time as 'The British Bake Off' at 8pm on a Wednesday. The timing used to be very good until 'The Great British Bake Off' was on at that time thus rendering 'Cuffs' much less popular due to the scheduling

What were the reasons for scheduling at that time, on that day and on that channel?
Because it is pre watershed which would pull in a wider range of audience, it is the only day that 'Eastenders' isn't on and there are similar shows on the same channel which fits 'Cuffs' into that category

What were 'Cuffs' viewing figures?
Roughly 5 million 

What are comfort viewing and appointment television?
Comfort viewing is when the audience watches to relax, chill or just purely for entertainment and comfort. Appointment television is when the audience wants to watch the live tv of their episode to avoid spoilers from the internet or socially

Why was 'Cuffs' cancelled?
Because 'Cuffs' did not have either two of the things mentioned in the question above and therefore did not pull in enough viewers and did not get enough money to fund production


  1. Clear answers, showing an appreciation for art of scheduling.

    The only thing missing though - you have a very vague answer for viewing figures so please amend.

    Mr P

  2. The viewing figures were roughly 5 million which was not enough to keep the show funded and running which caused the series to end much earlier than anticipated.


Reflect And Perfect - Assessment

Reflectin n Perfectin Question 1)  Full marks :)))) Question 2)  8 out of 10 :)))) How to improve: - Make sure I use consistent ...