Monday, January 14, 2019

Social, Cultural, Historical Context (Avengers)

Social, Cultural, Historical Context - Avengers

'The Avengers' as a distinctive generic identity that is rooted in British popular culture.

Television drew upon this tradition while at the same time responding to the social and cultural changes of the 1960s.

It is a spy-thriller sub-genre.

Series 4, Episode 1 - Steed and Emma are on the trail of several murdered agents. They visit Little Bazeley by the Sea, a town that strangers rarely leave alive - and discover that it is being secretly infiltrated (invaded) by enemy agents who were Russian spies at the time.

London had just come out of the 1950s which was very bleak. For once, people were given the chance to relax and have freedom. Younger people were given a choice and people were finally allowed to just sit back and have some fun. 

-When you are writing about the 1950s it is historical context. 
-When you are writing about the 1960s it is social and cultural context because it is the time of the episode.


At the time, there were only 2 big famous musicians which were Elvis Presley and The Beatles. The Beatles were the first British band to go to America and immediately become super stars after being on a famous TV show there. Their music was very rebellious and young people began to stand up for their views beliefs and individuality. 


A lot of recreational drugs were taken and at their height in the 60s. The Woodstock Festival pictures show people high on marijuana and LSD dancing in fields and had paint on they faces. 

It was very difficult for anyone involved in show business to avoid getting involved in drugs. LSD brought out the 'hippie' movement and made people a lot more happier and care-free. 

The effects of these drugs were also reflected in psychedelic art, music and films.   


The 1960s was a feminist movement including protests, women's abortion rights and women liberations groups.

In 1965 the use of contraceptive birth pills were discovered and that changed relationships.

Women were paid 60 percent less than men which is a very significant amount and they were generally working in "pink collar" jobs which were lower salaries and less important. 

It was a time of patriarchy even though it became a progressive time.

Avengers gender

Emma Peel from 'The Avengers' does not show much skin in the clothes she wears whereas nowadays, the celebrities equal to her at that time would. She does not dress as a typical woman at that time but still looks sexually attractive with the leather she wears. At that time, if you wore leather it had a connotation of rebellion 

When she is fighting, rather than fighting by punching like the men are she is pulling the other persons hair and being quite catty and bitchy in the way she fights. She is rough and presented to be very sexy - as a whole she was very different to the normal women that you would see in the 60s which was a unique and positive thing. 

Emma's use of dialogue was very seductive.

Sexuality in the 60s (men)

Being gay was not legal and was judged upon in society. If you were, you would be sent to prison or put into a mental institution. If they were sent to a mental institution they were tortured, endured electroshock therapy and experimentation and had to take special pills - such as oestrogen. 

Someone in 1966 lost his seat in parliament for standing up for gay rights. 

A man called Alan Turing was forced to either go to jail or take oestrogen. He chose oestrogen and 2 years later he committed suicide because he was judged by society and he was not his true self. He could no longer produce sperm either. 

By the end of 1954 over 1000 british men were in jail for homosexual 'offences'. 

Mid 60s, gay activists became increasingly aware of the threat of prison. 

In 1967, the law changed so limited sexual content was permitted but there were 3 conditions. It had to be consensual, the sexual act had to take place in private and the act could only be between 2 people over the age of 21

Sexuality in the 60s (women)

There were no rules on lesbians because no one recognised that women could have sex so it was potentially legal for a grown woman and a 10 year old girl to do sexual actions.

Avengers sexuality

- Emma Peel uses her sexuality as a weapon as she is very seductive in all of her dialogue and she is very flirty

- It emphasises the #MeToo movement, when Steed slaps her bum with a fencing sword and the camera zooms in to it 

- There is a complete absence of sexuality, this contrasts to 'Cuffs' as there are gay men in it

-Her leather clothes and attractiveness promotes promiscuous behaviour

Concerns at the time

Avengers plays on the big concern at the time which was a war, it was an ongoing stand off between the US and Russia. We can see this paranoia in 'The Avengers' because it dealt with invasion, spies, imposters etc. 

This was a huge fear in the 60s. 


  1. Very well constructed Jessie, I can see that you have a good understanding of the changing contexts from now to the 1960s.

    Good work!
    Miss C


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