Thursday, January 10, 2019



- Television in the UK is regulated by OFCOM
- OFCOM (office of communications)
- OFCOM have a set of rules called the broadcasting code
- Radio is also regulated by OFCOM

The OFCOM broadcasting code covers 10 mean sections. The 3 main ones are:

  1. Protection of under 18s
  2. Harm and offence
  3. Crime

OFCOM also define the watershed - the period before 9pm and after 5.30am when programmes containing material unsuitable for children cannot be shown - this includes sexual content, violence, graphic or disturbing imagery and swearing. This means that programmes such as 'Cuffs' have to be very careful about their content, which might be seen to reduce the realism of the programme as, for example, the criminals avoid swearing.


How might the watershed impact on 'Cuffs'
Cuffs is on at the time it is so it can have a wider and bigger audience, however this means that although it is a crime show - they must limit what they can show such as swearing, blood or graphic/upsetting imagery that is not suitable for anyone of any age.

Define all 4 of OFCOM's PSB purposes and 6 PSB characteristics in a TV context

6 PSB characteristics
High quality - high production values
Original - different to other TV shows
Innovative - originality
Challenging - makes you think about it
Widely available - can be seen on TV, iPhone, iPad etc
Distinctive - stands out from other programmes

4 OFCOM's PSB purposes
- Informing our understanding of the world
- Stimulating knowledge and learning
- Reflecting the UK's cultural identity
- Representing diversity and alternative viewpoints

How does 'Cuffs' show all 4 purposes and all 6 characteristics

4 purposes
Rise in hate and religion crime
Rise in immigrants and shop lifting
Acceptance of homosexuality
How multicultural society is

6 characteristics (Cuffs)
It is widely available as you can watch on many devices
It has high production values
It is different from other TV shows
It stands out
It makes you think - terrorism, sexuality etc
It has a lot of originality


  1. A solid answer.

    However, for characteristics and purposes, give specific examples from the show.

    Mr P

  2. Example - a Muslim man was stabbed showing a rise in hate and of religions. It makes the viewers open their eyes to what is happening in the world around them.


Reflect And Perfect - Assessment

Reflectin n Perfectin Question 1)  Full marks :)))) Question 2)  8 out of 10 :)))) How to improve: - Make sure I use consistent ...