Thursday, March 14, 2019

Reflect And Perfect - Assessment

Reflectin n Perfectin

Question 1) Full marks :))))

Question 2) 8 out of 10 :))))

How to improve:

- Make sure I use consistent terminology throughout
- Use a bit more theoretical framework
- Media language 

Question 3) 10 out of 15 :|||| (not too bad)

How to improve:

- Use more theoretical framework
- More detail in examples
- Use 'uses and gratifications' for the audience
- Use frequent justification

Question 4) 3 out of 5 :))))

How to improve:

Question 5) Full marks :))))

Perfect Q3 answer

The text demonstrates a sense of real life through the diegetic sound such as playing in the background when the officers were in the cafĂ© having their lunch. The audience can relate to this in their every day life when they go out to eat with friends or colleagues which reinforces the sense of realism.

In addition to this, real life is showed through the gender equality. Typically, people assume the career of a police officer is associated with men however the 6 officers are split - 3 men, 3 women. This highlights gender equality and can demonstrate what societal norms were at the time of the show's airing. The gender equality is also a countertype to the stereotypical argument that only men should have jobs in police force.

Moreover, the two main police officers in the episode are countertypes for common stereotypes. For example, Jake is gay and Ryan is black. When Ryan asks Jake to tell him a bit about himself Jake immediately tells him he is gay - with no hesitation conveying the real life of 2014 where being homosexual is accepted. And the wide variety of ethnicity including white people, black people and asian people. 

Ryan squashes the stereotype that black people are criminals as he fights for the law - not fighting against it. People are all seen as equal highlighting real life society to this day. 

Lastly, this extract creates realism to the pre-watershed audience as BBC's remit is OFFCOM, their aim is to inform, educate and entertain their audience. All of the polish officers wear a uniform which represent common British officers - so in a case if the young people watching are ever in a situation where they needed to reach out to the police force, then they know who they need to look for.

To conclude, the extract creates a strong sense of real life using representation, sound, countertypes that live in the society of the time of the show etc.

Reflect And Perfect - Assessment

Reflectin n Perfectin Question 1)  Full marks :)))) Question 2)  8 out of 10 :)))) How to improve: - Make sure I use consistent ...