Sunday, September 16, 2018

Introduction to media

My media summer

On the plane over to Israel, I listened to calming music that would help me get to sleep and drown out the sound of screaming babies. The songs that I listened to were slow and quiet to help me get sleepy and relaxed. 

Once I had arrived, we drove in a taxi to our hotel in Hertziliya and dropped our stuff at our hotel. After some dinner, we unpacked and got into bed. Due to jet lag, I wasn't tired and decided to start a police comedy called Brooklyn nine-nine. I watched it throughout my holiday every evening when I had the chance. It made me laugh a lot and the theme tune is so catchy. 

Music played a big part of my time tanning by the pool. My most played songs were summery songs like "I'm the one" by Justin Bieber, and "The nights" by Avicii. I listen to songs like these every summer, so that when I am freezing in London or bored in school, I get nostalgia and listen to songs that take me back to summer.

When I eventually came back to London, I saw Mamma Mia 2 in the cinema. The first Mamma Mia has been my favourite film for most of my life, so a second one coming out was a big deal for me. I had no idea if it could even compare to the first film. However, I watched it and loved it. I felt I could relate to it and I ended up watching it 7 times in the cinema within 2 weeks. In addition to this, I learnt all of the songs and still sing them on a daily basis. In fact I am probably singing them while you are reading this.

I look forward to make a magazine cover in media as I love reading celebrity magazines and arty things such as that. Keeping up with all the famous gossip is something I always am. (Thoughts on Justin and Hailey being married or not?)

We'll see...

Reflect And Perfect - Assessment

Reflectin n Perfectin Question 1)  Full marks :)))) Question 2)  8 out of 10 :)))) How to improve: - Make sure I use consistent ...